Etsy Love Leads to Blog Goodness

Have been spending a great deal of time updating my Etsy shop – taking and re-taking photos, posting new products, even creating a whole new banner and avatar. It’s been a lot of hard work, and quite time-consuming, but definitely worth it.

I received a message informing me that one of my notebooks was featured today on the FoundHandmade blog. Mine is the notebook shown below, in the April 20 post titled “Journals and Albums” (unfortunately I don’t seem to be able to link directly to the post…):


Exciting stuff!

Spring Schming

Should’ve known I’d jinx it…mention spring and it disappears immediately. Argh.

Yesterday: 11C (52F) and warm, bright sunshine on a cloudless, carefree day.

Today: OC (32F) and a miserable, slushy snowstorm. Sigh.

To cheer myself up tonight, I’ll be watching a few episodes of these guys:

Flight of the Conchords are my newest obsession – and I don’t even watch TV! However, I’ve managed to watch every episode of season 2 (and a few of season 1) online. And now a co-worker has just lent me her DVD of season 1. Woo hoo – It’s Business Time!

They’re playing at Massey Hall later this month – the show is sold out, but I’m determined to find tickets somehow, somewhere. Got a few tricks up my sleeve yet…wish me luck!

You Probably Won’t Recognize Me…

With spring making a reluctant appearance every now and again, I’ve decided to update my blog look with a new theme and a new header (coming soon – gotta put my newly acquired Photoshop skills to the test!). As much as I loved the other look, it was too dark and dreary now that the snow has melted. Time to brighten things up around here!

For the first time in a long time, I’ve finally found the energy to start creating again. A few of my projects from this weekend:


This Flashdance (What a Feeling – yeah !) notebook is relatively small – approx. 5″ X 6″. I made three other small notepads in a similar format (using Saturday Night Fever and ABBA albums) but forgot to take photos before dropping them off for sale at nathalie-roze & co. this afternoon.



The two books in the photos above are large – approx. 8.5″ X 11″. I looooooove large books, though they can be intimidating at times… The one on the bottom (with crazy flowers) is filled with several sheets of 300lb. watercolour paper – I made it so I can improve my rusty watercolour skills before the big trip to Greece in May.

I also upcycled several boxes (popcorn, cereal, etc.) and leftover paper scraps into these nifty notepads:


I’ve starting trimming numerous brown paper bags to make super-thick, super-cool notepads. I love love love kraft paper and can’t wait to see how these turn out!

As you can see, the ideas have definitely been flowing…it’s the energy that was lacking. I feel a certain awakening now that spring is here (for good, I hope) and the Greece trip is becoming reality (5 weeks to go). Watching Mamma Mia (and Colin Firth!) while making the upcycled notepads last night were great motivators!

In addition to making all these books, I spent some time updating my etsy shop, which has been sadly neglected of late. Here are a few of the beauties you can now find in the shop:

hk2  hk1  dolls11 (I’m quite in love with these russian dolls…)

What about you – do you feel a certain awakening or energy increase when spring is in the air? What have you been inspired to create?